SAT Question of the Day: What is a perfect score on SAT?

A perfect score on the new SAT is 1,600. Getting a perfect score would mean that you got an 800 on each the test’s two mandatory sections: evidence-based reading and writing section, and the math section. The essay is optional and would be scored separately.

Perfect Score on SAT (2016) is 1600


How do I get the highest SAT score ?

Getting the highest SAT score possible comes down to a bunch of factors, including luck. That said, one fact you can rely on is that your SAT score can be manipulated by choosing the right study plan and doing loads of practice tests.  We believe in the growth mindset -- that your basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. However, it is also a reality that most people will have a SAT score range that they fall between. However, with the proper time invested and well-directed preparation, any student can achieve the highest number in their score range and get a very respectable, if not perfect, score.

Keep your eye on the prize

One massive consideration to achieve a perfect score on SAT is that a student must be highly motivated and laser focused on the result.  In addition, a student who has a reasonably high SAT score to start with will also have a better chance of winning the gold! Another criteria that is important in improving your chances for getting a perfect SAT score is your past education and your work ethic-- a person that worked hard in school and has had an excellent education will be a step ahead of the average Joe.

Map your route to a perfect sat score

Before you create a study plan to get the perfect SAT score, you have to know your starting point. To figure this out, take a College Board practice test under timed conditions, or take the PSAT, which is based on the SAT.  Once you know your base score, you can plan a study schedule based on the difference between  your current score and a perfect score of 1600.

Know the test like the back of your hand  

This is probably the most critical element in  attaining a perfect score on SAT. You need to know the test inside out. You need to have practiced all the different types of questions to such a degree that nothing fazes you. You have a method and a strategy when you see any type of question.

That said, it is going to be harder to get a perfect score on the redesigned SAT in the first few cycles. This is because students will not have access to a ginormous bank of question types as they did with the former SAT. Another thing to consider is that the test makers of the SAT will still be working out the kinks in the test over the next couple of years. That means you will be an SAT test creator’s guinea pig. In this case, if you are in the class of 2017 or 2018, maybe try for a perfect score on the ACT instead.

The essay section is now optional and so weakness on this element won’t undermine your quest to get a perfect score.

Find your Achilles Heel(s)

To get the highest SAT score (or even improve your score), you must address your main weaknesses. You have to find out where you making the mistakes that undermine your attainment of the perfect score. If you are brilliant at math, analyze the reading comprehension questions types that throw you for a loop and practice them like crazy. And vice versa if you always ace the reading comp section.


Many educators and third party test analysts have commented that the new SAT test has more complex questions with a greater emphasis on higher-level reading, writing, and analysis. On the plus side, there is less focus on knowledge of obscure vocabulary.

Some general strategies that worked on the old SAT will work on the new one too: improve your reading comprehension ability/speed, and increase your ability to spot your own errors before choosing an answer that is set up to trap you.


Lastly, you need to truly believe you can achieve a perfect score on SAT.  Even if your so-called ‘native’ intelligence is less than some of your classmate prodigies, you can always use positive thinking  - along with hard work and learnable strategies - to whiz past them (or, at least, race alongside them) to the ‘perfect score’ finish line.