Test Prep NYC: Testing Tips

Every student in New York City needs to get used to taking standardized tests: from the ISEE, SSAT, and SHSAT for high school admissions to the SAT and ACT for college admissions, there’s a test for nearly every new stage of school. In addition to these standardized tests, students will inevitably have tests to take for certain subjects in school. Since there’s no way to avoid taking all these tests, the earlier NYC students develop good test prep habits, the better off they will be in the long run. Even though the tests that students take will cover many different subjects, there are still some important ways in which students can prepare, no matter what kind of test they’re about to take.

Studying Tips for Tests

No one ever likes cramming for tests! The best way to avoid cramming is to begin studying way before each test. Even though it might not seem fun to begin studying weeks before a test, it’s much easier to study for half an hour a day for a week or two than it is to stay up all night and still not be able to sufficiently review each concept. A great way to begin studying for a test is to review class notes and practice problems, and then try a practice test. After a student sees how he or she did on the practice test, he or she can make sure to spend extra time studying areas that were difficult.

Most tests require some kind of memorization, so it is also important for each student to discover a memorization method that works for him or her. There are lots of different ways to memorize words and facts, so students should try a few different methods and find the way that works best. Some popular ways of studying are making online flashcards using a site such as Quizlet, filling out notecards with important words on one side and definitions on the other, copying words over and over again by hand, and reciting important definitions out loud. After finding a memorization method that works well, a student can rely on that method to memorize facts for every test he or she takes.

The Day Before the Test

One of the most important things to do the day before any test is to get a good night’s sleep. No matter how prepared a student is, not getting enough sleep will make sitting through a test and doing well on it much harder. A good plan for the day before a test is to spend some time reviewing any problem areas or concepts that have proven to be challenging, and then trying to relax. It’s nearly impossible to sufficiently learn new information just a few hours before a test, so after doing some last-minute review, students should give their brains a break.

Tips for Test Day

Make sure to have a good, protein-rich breakfast the day of any test. Eating protein will help students stay full during the test, and it’ll make sure that their brains are in tip-top shape! Students should also make sure that they have pencils and pens, as well as a calculator with extra batteries, if the test allows calculator use. It’s always better to be over-prepared than to find out something important is missing.

Knowing how much time is allotted for the test will help a student decide how much time to spend on each question. Good time management on tests is an important skill to develop, as it will allow students to spend more time on difficult sections, while moving quickly through easy questions.

The next step is to actually finish taking the test! Make sure to keep track of time, but try to stay calm and not get worried. If you experience anxiety during the test, practice some relaxation techniques.

Test Prep NYC

If you are considering tutoring to help your child prepare for a standardized test, Origins Tutoring, a NYC-based company, can help. Please call us at 917.287.7927 so we can begin to develop a personalized, private tutoring program.