How I Got Accepted to Hunter College High School: One Student's Journey

I grew up in New York City as the oldest girl in a family of four children, and unlike most NYC kids, I didn't go through the nightmarish high school application process. After a brief stint at The Family School for prekindergarten, my parents decided to homeschool me, so I said goodbye to everyone who had counted beans with tweezers and made turkeys out of their construction paper handprints with me during Thanksgiving. I was homeschooled through the end of sixth grade, when I received my Hunter acceptance letter and decided to attend. I began college in 2011 at Amherst College in Massachusetts, and I will graduate in May with a B.A. in Classics, English, and Mathematics.

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Homeschooling Test Prep: What are Your Options?

If you are homeschooling your child or thinking about the benefits of homeschooling in New York City, one of your biggest questions may be about test prep and getting your child ready for middle school and high school entrance exams (SHSAT, ISEE, SSAT) or required tests for college applications (ACT and SAT). You may also wonder about your test prep options for the state tests that your child may be required to take to fulfill New York State’s homeschooling requirements, or how to teach your child test prep skills in a homeschooling environment.

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