NNAT®2 Question Type: Spatial Visualization
/In this post, we start with an overview of "Spatial Visualization" question types. We also provide A sample question, accompanied by tips and strategies that every student can use to perform successfully on "Spatial Visualization" questions during the official NNAT-2® exam.
Spatial Visualization Questions: What To Expect?
With this question type, a child is presented with a series of objects that combine, invert, transform and/or rotate across rows and columns. The child must identify the rule for the top row of objects and then predict what will happen to objects in the second (or third) row. She must then select which object among the answer choices follows this rule and should go in the empty box in the matrix.
Spatial Visualization items are widely seen to be the most difficult, particularly when involving objects that intersect in ways that are hard to recognize or involve an object rotating.
Spatial Visualization Sample Question
Spatial Visualization Questions: Test Prep Tips
When you first start working on 'Spatial Visualization' practice questions with your child, before each question, say to your him or her:
“Look at the picture. A piece is missing where you see the question mark. Show me the piece that is missing in the answer choices.”
After a few questions, your child will probably not need this prompt and will spontaneously point to or mark an answer.
Additional Strategies:
Ask your student to do some paper-folding projects. This will help her understand how objects on a folded piece of paper appear (and relate to each other) when the paper is opened.
Encourage your student to visualize -- observe, imagine and keep track of -- the changes in the geometric shapes as they move and then draw what she predicts she might see in the empty box.
Encourage your student to isolate one element (e.g: outer shape, inner shape/s) and identify how it changes.
WhAt's Next?
Learn more about the different question types on the NNAT®2, including Pattern Completion, Reasoning by Analogy, and Serial Reasoning.