Could Your Child Benefit From a Tutor?

Private tutoring in NYC has become increasingly popular. Anyone from a kindergartener struggling with math to a high school senior stuck on a Common App essay can find a suitable NYC tutor who will know exactly how to help. As a parent, you will ultimately decide whether or not to hire a  tutor to work with your child, so here are some reasons why you may want to consider tutoring.

Do You Need a Tutor for Test Prep for NYC High School Admissions?

If you have not yet gone through the high school process with a child, be prepared! Applying to NYC high schools in New York City  is second only to college applications in terms of stress, thanks to the standardized tests and applications that NYC high schools require. Navigating the NYC high school admissions process is a little crazy. Hiring someone who knows the system backwards and forwards can save you trouble later on.

Many NYC middle school students take the SHSAT (Specialized High Schools Admissions Test) and either the ISEE (Independent School Entrance Exam) or the SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test) just to get into high school! Facing one or two lengthy standardized tests is a lot of pressure for preteens, especially because these tests are coupled with school interviews, visits, and all the regular responsibilities of attending class. Since each high school test is different and requires a unique strategy, the NYC high school admissions process and related test prep are good areas in which you could consider a  tutor. First of all, a tutor can evaluate your child and help determine which test(s) would show off your child's strengths. Then the tutor can work with your child in tailored review sessions, designed to boost your child's performance on the actual standardized tests.

An admissions tutor or a high school test prep tutor can be the difference between sailing through the admissions process or stressing for months. If you are unfamiliar with standardized tests such as the SHSAT, ISEE and SSAT or the process by which NYC students apply to high schools, this may be a helpful time to find a NYC tutor.

Do You Need a Tutor for ACT or SAT Test Prep and/or College Application Support?

Unfortunately, the stress doesn't end in high school! Since New York City has such a high population of high school students, colleges receive hundreds of applications each year. Since every college wants a diverse student body, they will only accept a limited number of NYC students. This means that it's extra important to have a stellar application! A tutor can guide your teen through the process and provide college application support, from assisting with college essays to providing admission strategies to facilitating SAT test prep and/or ACT test prep.

Most high school students will need to take the SAT or ACT in order to apply to college. These 3+ hour tests are the first criteria with which college admissions workers judge applicants, so it is imperative that these test scores be as good as possible. As these two tests are likely longer and more intense than any other standardized tests your teen has taken, he or she will need focused preparation. Even with the help of review books, it can be challenging to pinpoint problem areas on each test, and no book can match the help of someone who specializes in tutoring specifically SAT test prep or ACT test prep. For such an important step in the college process, a tutor can be invaluable in raising SAT/ACT scores to a level where your teen stands above other NYC applicants.

Do You Need a Tutor for General Academic Tutoring?

Outside of school admissions, academic tutoring can always help your child. One of the most crucial parts of school is cementing a strong foundation in each subject. For example, as each year of mathematics builds on knowledge from the prior year, one missed concept can threaten your child's confidence and math grades for years afterward. Having a tutor for general help in a certain academic field can help fill in gaps in your child's foundation, which means that learning in later years will be easier. Tutoring can also help your child get ahead, especially over the summer, when a three month hiatus from school can wreak havoc on students' memory.

There is no right or wrong decision when thinking about a tutor for your child. If you need a  tutor, the most important idea to keep in mind is that an extra hour or two a week focused on academics can never hurt, and the benefits of academic tutoring can show themselves for years to come.