Georgia Milestones Practice Tests 5th Grade + How to Ace the GMAS Test!
/The Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) is designed to measure student mastery of state-adopted content standards in English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.
GMAS assesses students in 3rd grade through high school. Some students aren’t tested in all four subjects, but fifth grade students, who have one of the heaviest testing loads, must take tests related to all four key areas.
Fortunately, working on Georgia Milestones practice tests 5th grade can help your child successfully prepare for all four GMAS tests. In this article, we’ll provide a link to a practice tests, in addition to information and tips to help your child prepare.
Let’s get started!
5th Grade GMAS Testing Basics
During the 2014-2015 school year, the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) replaced the Criterion Referenced Competency Tests (CRCT).
The GMAS was designed to reflect the increased rigor of the updated content standards adopted by the Georgia State Board of Education in 2010.
These standards are based on the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), a shared list of the skills and knowledge students should master at each grade level in the United States.
Are GMAS Tests Multiple Choice?
GMAS tests include three question types:
Additionally, all GMAS ELA tests include two extended written responses: an opinion essay and an informational essay.
What is a “Good Score” on the GMAS Tests?
There are four achievement levels for each GMAS test:
In order to be promoted to sixth grade, fifth grade students must score in the “Developing Learner” category on GMAS ELA.
Based on their reading performance on GMAS ELA, fifth grade students must also be identified as at or above grade level in reading proficiency.
Is GMAS Testing Computer-Based or Paper-Pencil?
Most districts currently administer computer-based GMAS tests. Computer testing is the primary mode of administration in the state, with paper-pencil testing serving as back up.
By the 2018-2019 school year, all GMAS testing will be computer-based.
GMAS ELA 5th Grade
Since the GMAS ELA test is linked to promotion for fifth grade students, it is the most important Georgia Milestones test your child will take this year.
Fifth grade students fourth grade students must answer 60 questions divided into three sections. Sections 1 and 2 have a time limit of 75 minutes each, while Section 3 has a 90 minute time limit.
Questions are divided into two categories:
For the reading component, students read both fictional and informational passages. They then answer questions measuring the following skills:
Georgia Milestones - 5th grade - Characters sample
Georgia Milestones - 5th grade - Vocab sample
Georgia Milestones Practice Test - 5th grade - Author’s Purpose sample
GMAS 5th grade - Theme sample
Writing skills are assessed through both extended constructed responses and essays.
The extended constructed response questions ask students to use narrative techniques such as completing a story, writing an alternate ending, or adding dialogue:
gmas 5th grade - Narrative Technique sample
There are two essays: an opinion essay and an informational essay. For both, students must read two passages and incorporate information from both passages in their response. Below is an example of a 5th grade opinion essay prompt:
Georgia Milestones Practice Test 5th grade - Essay sample
Correct use of language conventions is also assessed through the essay, but students also answer multiple choice questions related to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and usage, as in the examples below:
Georgia Milestones Practice Test 5th grade - Language sample
Georgia Milestones Practice Test 5th grade - Language sample 2
GMAS 5th grade - Language sample 3
This is a rigorous and important test, but remember that there are plenty of resources available to help you and your child, such as the Georgia Milestones practice tests 5th grade and the GMAS study guide.
GMAS Mathematics 5th Grade
The GMAS Mathematics test contains 73 questions divided into two 85-minute sections. Questions include selected responses, constructed responses, and extended constructed responses.
Fifth grade students answer questions in the following five categories:
GMAS 5th grade - Operations and Algebraic Thinking sample
GMAS 5th grade - Number and Operations Base 10 sample
GMAS 5th grade - Fractions sample
GMAS 5th grade - Data sample
GMAS 5th grade - Geometry sample
Like GMAS ELA, this isn’t an easy test, but the Georgia Milestones practice tests 5th grade are an extremely helpful and effective free resource.
GMAS Social Studies 5th Grade
This test consists exclusively of selected response items. There are 75 questions total, and students are allowed 70 minutes per section.
Questions fall into the following four categories:
GMAS 5th grade - History sample
GMAS 5th grade - Government and Civics sample
GMAS 5th grade - Economics sample
Students may also be expected to interpret images such as maps, diagrams, posters, etc. as in the following example:
GMAS 5th grade - Interpret Image sample
There are Georgia Milestones practice tests 5th grade available for the Social Studies test as well.
GMAS Science 5th Grade
On the GMAS Science test, students answer 75 selected response questions in two 70-minute sections.
Question categories include:
GMAS 5th grade - - Earth Science sample
GMAS 5th grade - - Physical Science sample
Georgia Milestones Practice Test 5th grade - Life Science sample
For more information on GMAS Science, check out the Georgia Milestones practice tests 5th grade and spend some time practicing questions with your child.
How to Ace the GMAS Test
Your child can improve his/her performance on the GMAS test in many ways, including:
Moving Forward
First, it’s essential to work hard throughout the school year. Encourage your child to pay attention in class, take notes, study, and complete classwork and homework.
First, remember that the skills tested by GMAS are the same skills taught in the classroom. It’s essential that your child pays attention in class, takes notes, completes classwork and homework, and asks questions when needed.
If your child struggles in one of the four key areas, it may be a good idea to ask the teacher for extra help, take advantage of tutoring programs offered at your child’s school, or consider hiring a tutor.
The second essential step is to complete practice question and GMAS practice tests. Working on Georgia Milestones practice tests can help your child build confidence and familiarity with test content.
Be sure to spend time discussing why right answer are correct and wrong answers are incorrect. If your child has difficulty with a particular question type, spend extra time working on these questions and developing better approaches to solving them.
By thoroughly following these two easy steps, including consistent use of the Georgia Milestones practice tests 5th grade, you’ll help your child perform successfully on all four GMAS exams.